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How Does Botox Help With Hyperhidrosis?

Sweating regulates body temperature, but people with hyperhidrosis sweat excessively, significantly compromising their quality of life. Learn how Botox treatment can tame unwanted perspiration and restore your life here.
Mar 12th, 2025

Bye Bye Spider Veins, I’m Getting Sclerotherapy

Are you tired of spider veins, those squiggly, discolored blood vessels close to your skin’s surface? They rarely cause discomfort, but they often cause confidence problems. Here’s a safe, effective treatment that eliminates them for good.
Feb 4th, 2025
How Red Light Therapy Can Help Banish Actinic Keratoses 

How Red Light Therapy Can Help Banish Actinic Keratoses 

Actinic keratosis is a rough patch on your skin that has the potential to turn into skin cancer, so leaving one untreated puts you at risk. Learn about an innovative treatment that eradicates keratoses safely and comfortably here. 
Jan 1st, 2025
Give Yourself the Gift of Botox This Holiday Season

Give Yourself the Gift of Botox This Holiday Season

Put yourself at the top of the list this holiday season by learning about Botox treatment, which dramatically smooths wrinkles and boosts your radiance. It’s nonsurgical, convenient, and delivers impressive results. Learn more here.
Dec 2nd, 2024
 Yes, You Can Remove Hair THERE

Yes, You Can Remove Hair THERE

Are you dreading your beach trip because of stubborn, conspicuous, and embarrassing bikini area hair? Free yourself from this discomfort by getting laser hair removal treatment. Its benefits beat out shaving, waxing, and creams. Learn more here.
Nov 2nd, 2024

At-Home Tips on How to Keep Your Eczema Triggers at Bay

If you’re one of the 31.6 million living with eczema in the United States, you’re familiar with its itchy discomfort and how unwanted flare-ups upend your life. Learn what you can do to prevent them, what treatments are available, and more here.
Oct 1st, 2024
I'm Self-Conscious About My Rosacea: Can You Help?

I'm Self-Conscious About My Rosacea: Can You Help?

A well-timed blush can be endearing, but the constant redness and bumps on your face that come with your rosacea are decidedly less so. The good news is that we have plenty of rosacea treatments on offer.
Sep 17th, 2024

Are Spider Veins a Health Concern?

Your once blemish-free legs have developed small webs of spider veins, and you’re wondering whether you should be worried. Here’s how spider veins form and whether they’re cause for concern.
Aug 1st, 2024
4 Reasons Why We Love Chemical Peels

4 Reasons Why We Love Chemical Peels

With each passing year, your once unblemished face accumulates more evidence of a life well-lived. With a chemical peel, we can erase the visible signs of aging, leaving you with only memories from your past.
Jul 1st, 2024
How Does Mohs Surgery Work to Treat Skin Cancer?

How Does Mohs Surgery Work to Treat Skin Cancer?

When it comes to any cancer, the goal is to get rid of the dangerous invader, and aesthetics can take a backseat. Well, with Mohs, we can not only clear away skin cancer but minimize the damage.
Apr 26th, 2024
We Have Solutions for Pesky Leg Veins

We Have Solutions for Pesky Leg Veins

You live in Florida, where you can wear skirts and shorts year round — except you’re hiding your legs because of spider or varicose veins. We can help you show off your legs again with leg vein treatments.
Apr 16th, 2024
The Warts on My Hands Are Embarrassing: Can You Help?

The Warts on My Hands Are Embarrassing: Can You Help?

Thanks to a few unsightly warts, you’ve become self-conscious about your hands. The good news is that these growths aren’t dangerous. The even better news is that we can remove these warts quickly and easily.
Mar 18th, 2024

Why Am I Suddenly Getting Acne in My 30s?

What happened in high school stays in high school, right? Not with acne, which can dog you into your adult years. Even if you never had acne as a teen, you can get it as a 30-year-old. Here’s why.
Feb 1st, 2024
Can Psoriasis Develop in Adulthood?

Can Psoriasis Develop in Adulthood?

Psoriasis affects millions of Americans, of all ages and skin colors. That said, the chronic skin condition tends to develop outside of childhood, which means *spoiler alert* it mostly occurs in adults.
Jan 11th, 2024

Warts? We've Got You Covered

There’s good news and bad news when it comes to warts. First, they’re not all that serious, medically speaking. However, they can be tough to treat, so it’s best to get professional help.
Oct 4th, 2023

It's Time for Your Annual Skin Check

Living in the Sunshine State certainly has its advantages, as well as a few drawbacks, including abundant exposure to the sun’s more harmful side — ultraviolet radiation. This means regular skin checks are important.
Sep 1st, 2023
Clearing the Web of Spider Veins

Clearing the Web of Spider Veins

We spend a lot of time in skirts and shorts here in sunny Florida, so our legs are often on full display. If you’re forcing your lower extremities into hiding because of spider veins, we can clear the webs away.
Aug 1st, 2023

Dermal Fillers — Look Years Younger in Mere Minutes

It took years for those deep lines on your face to develop, but we can smooth them out in just minutes with dermal fillers. That’s just one reason millions of people make dermal fillers a regular part of their beauty regimens.
Jun 1st, 2023
Winning the War Against Acne

Winning the War Against Acne

You keep your skin clean and use the strongest over-the-counter products, yet acne seems to mock your efforts. Instead of spinning your wheels, why not bring out the big guns to win the war against acne?
May 2nd, 2023
5 Popular Uses for Botox® Injections

5 Popular Uses for Botox® Injections

Since Botox® first burst onto the cosmetic scene more than two decades ago, it’s been the No. 1 anti-wrinkle tool. Aside from banishing wrinkles, Botox performs a few other useful functions.
Apr 5th, 2023
How to Find Relief During an Eczema Flare-up

How to Find Relief During an Eczema Flare-up

Despite your best efforts, your eczema has flared up again, and you’re determined to make this round as brief and comfortable as possible. Here are a few tips that can help you find much-needed relief.
Mar 2nd, 2023
Can You Develop Rosacea in Middle Age?

Can You Develop Rosacea in Middle Age?

Not only can you get rosacea during your middle-aged years, it most commonly begins in people between the ages of 30 and 60. Here’s a look at rosacea and how we can help manage this common skin condition.
Feb 7th, 2023
Stop Doing These Things If You Want Clearer Skin

Stop Doing These Things If You Want Clearer Skin

You want clear, smooth skin, but blemishes in the form of acne, sun spots, facial veins, and more have different plans. Here, we review certain practices that may be exacerbating these problems.
Oct 6th, 2022
 Help for Herpes

Help for Herpes

Perhaps you have herpes related to HIV, and it’s affecting your skin, or you’ve developed herpes zoster (shingles) later in life, and you’re dealing with a painful rash. If herpes is affecting your skin, we can help.
Sep 1st, 2022
Who Can Benefit from a Chemical Peel?

Who Can Benefit from a Chemical Peel?

Over the years, your skin can take quite a beating, causing it to lose its youthful texture, tone, and elasticity. With a chemical peel, we can clear away this tired surface to give your skin a fresh start.
Aug 1st, 2022
Can Hormonal Birth Control Cause Melasma?

Can Hormonal Birth Control Cause Melasma?

You started taking birth control pills and, after a few months, darker patches of skin have developed on your face, neck, and/or forearms. Called melasma, it’s likely that the two events are related.
Jun 1st, 2022
Laser Facial Hair Removal: What to Expect

Laser Facial Hair Removal: What to Expect

You’re tired of shaving, waxing, or plucking unwanted facial hair, and you want to find an easier, longer-lasting solution. To meet these goals, we offer laser hair removal, and here’s what you can expect.
May 1st, 2022
How to Get Rid of a Bothersome Scar

How to Get Rid of a Bothersome Scar

While some scars may be badges of honor, when they’re located in prominent areas, you may not want the eternal reminder. Luckily, we have the technology to make the scar fade into the past, where it belongs.
Apr 1st, 2022
Does Chocolate Really Cause Acne?

Does Chocolate Really Cause Acne?

Your love of chocolate is as strong as your hatred for acne and you want to know whether the two are connected. The answer is complicated and greatly depends upon a number of factors, which we review here.
Mar 1st, 2022
3 Promising Treatments for Psoriasis

3 Promising Treatments for Psoriasis

For people with psoriasis, the road to clearer skin and better health can be frustrating, as effective solutions are hard to come by. Thanks to new medicines and a better understanding of the autoimmune disorder, there’s hope.
Jan 1st, 2022
3 Effective and Minimally Invasive Wrinkle Treatments

3 Effective and Minimally Invasive Wrinkle Treatments

You’re not loving the wrinkles developing on your face and neck, but nor are you keen on going under the knife to get rid of them. Thankfully, there are effective and minimally invasive treatments that hit the reset button on your skin.
Dec 1st, 2021
The Importance of a Skin Cancer Screening

The Importance of a Skin Cancer Screening

We live in the Sunshine State — where warm temperatures and sun abound. The flipside to this sunny nickname is that your vulnerability to skin cancer can also increase, which makes regular skin cancer screenings paramount.
Oct 4th, 2021

The Many Benefits of Botox®

Since its introduction 20 years ago, Botox® has held the top spot for nonsurgical cosmetic procedures in the United States, for good reason. Here, we explore why so many love this cosmetic injectable.
Jul 7th, 2021

Who's at Risk for Skin Cancer?

Considering 1 in 5 adults in the United States will develop skin cancer by the age of 70, you might conclude that few are immune. While there’s some truth to that, there are factors that heighten your risk.
Jun 23rd, 2021

Help for Your Rosacea

Rosacea is fairly common — affecting 16 million people in the United States. While there may be some comfort knowing you’re not alone, it doesn’t help you solve the problem, which is where we come in.
May 14th, 2021

What Happens to Aging Skin Beyond Wrinkles?

While wrinkles may be the first visible signs of aging in skin, there are many other changes taking place. Here, we go beyond the wrinkles and explore some of the age-related transformations in your skin.
Apr 7th, 2021

Bad Habits That Are Harming Your Skin

Your skin is your body’s largest organ, so keeping it in the pink of health can be a daunting task. From the inside out, here are a few habits that may be making your task all the more difficult.
Mar 15th, 2021

How Do You Know if You Have Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer is by far the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Americans and can be especially prevalent among those who live in sunnier climates like the one here in Florida. Here’s a look at some of the warning signs of skin cancer.
Jan 19th, 2021

Our Best Skincare Tips for the Winter

Winters in Florida aren’t exactly known for harsh weather conditions and freezing temps, but the season does present some challenges for skin care. Here are some great tips that will help your skin glow year-round.
Dec 7th, 2020

Managing Your Eczema in the Winter

While winters in Florida may not be severe, the cooler temperatures and drier air can still cause your eczema to flare up. Here are some tips to keep your skin in the pink of health during the colder months (and year-round).
Nov 6th, 2020

What Are Keloids?

With each passing year, the evidence of your life begins to pile up, especially in the form of scarring. While you may proudly bear some scars, others aren’t so welcome, especially obvious ones like keloids.
Oct 1st, 2020

What's the Difference Between a Scar and a Stretch Mark?

*Spoiler alert* Stretch marks and scars are one in the same as a stretch mark is a form of scarring, and both are your body’s way of protecting itself. The good news is that we have a solution for both using advanced laser technology.
Sep 10th, 2020

Caring for Your Skin After Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a fantastic (and nonsurgical) treatment for a host of skin conditions, from acne to sun damage. To get the most out of your PDT, properly caring for your skin afterward is important.
Aug 19th, 2020

Dermatology Care and COVID-19: What You Should Know

If you’ve been putting off your dermatologic care, here’s a look at how we’re meeting COVID-19 protocols. In addition, we provide a few tips on taking care of your skin while you shield yourself from the virus.
Jul 31st, 2020

We Cannot Let Our Guard Down With COVID-19!

COVID-19 is on the rise and we must not let our guard down. We cannot emphasize enough that everyone inside and outside of the office adheres to the CDC guideline. More and more people are getting infected and letting their guard down.
Jul 21st, 2020

Does Mohs Surgery Help When It's Melanoma?

One of the first lines of defense against most skin cancers is excision, which Mohs surgery accomplishes with the least amount of damage. But can this type of advanced surgery help with melanoma? Yes and no.
Jun 23rd, 2020

Which Leg Vein Treatment is Right For You?

Florida is graced with great temperatures year round, which also means that your legs may be on full display no matter the season. If spider or varicose veins are forcing your legs into hiding, we offer several solutions to draw your legs back out.
May 27th, 2020

Minimize Your Melasma

If your once-smooth complexion is marred by melasma, the good news is that we offer some very effective tools to erase these unwelcome developments. These, along with prevention techniques, are the best ways to restore an even tone to your skin.
Apr 27th, 2020

Wave Goodbye to Unsightly and Uncomfortable Warts

Warts are most unwelcome developments, no matter where they strike. Here’s a look at problematic warts and, more importantly, how we can wave goodbye to the unappealing and often uncomfortable skin growths.
Mar 13th, 2020

Put Your Best Face Forward this Year with Photorejuvenation

The look of your skin can affect how you feel about yourself, whether you’re struggling with acne or age spots. Advanced cosmetic treatments like photorejuvenation can fix many of these issues so you can put your best face forward.
Jan 1st, 2020

How Does HIV Affect Your Skin?

HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is a chronic condition that weakens your immune system. People with HIV often develop skin conditions as a result. Learn more about common skin conditions that occur with HIV, from sores to skin cancers.
Dec 9th, 2019

5 Benefits of Microneedling for Your Skin

Would you believe that tiny needles might hold the secret to firmer, youthful-looking skin? One pain-free treatment, microneedling, proves it’s true! Learn more about the top five benefits of microneedling and whether it’s the treatment for you.
Nov 1st, 2019

How is Adult Acne Different Than Teenage Acne?

When you think of acne, do you think about middle school and teenagers? Think again: Some adults struggle with acne into later decades. Still, adult acne differs from teenage acne in some key ways. Read more to learn how.
Oct 8th, 2019

Dealing with Eczema and Psoriasis Flare-ups

An itch that won’t leave you alone is annoying. An itch that causes blotches of red on your skin makes it hard to go out. Find out how to tell the difference between psoriasis and eczema flare-ups and the best way to treat them.
Sep 1st, 2019

How to Avoid Rosacea Triggers

Many factors can trigger rosacea symptoms, from foods you eat to the weather. Learning about common triggers and avoiding those you’re especially sensitive to can help prevent flare-ups.
Jun 12th, 2019
skin cancer, sunscreen, sun, rays, protection, tanning

5 Important Steps to Prevent Skin Cancer

Summer’s coming, and that means time in the sun, which can contribute to skin cancer. But there are things you can do to lower your risk for developing the disease.
May 15th, 2019
Revanesse Versa, dermal fillers, anti-aging, z-roc dermatology, Dr. Zarraga, Dr. Wongkittiroch

Control the Signs of Aging with FDA-Approved Revanesse Versa

Dermal fillers fight the signs of aging, such as lines, wrinkles, and loss of facial volume, to give you a more youthful, refreshed appearance. We use one of the latest and most effective dermal filler options: RevanesseⓇ Versa™.
Jan 9th, 2019
Chemical Peel, Z-ROC Dermatology, deep peels

Which Chemical Peel Is Right for You?

Sure, beauty may only be skin deep, but there are several layers to your skin, which makes choosing the right chemical peel important. Here’s how to determine which one is best for you.
Dec 13th, 2018

Banishing Leg Veins Has Never Been Easier

Pants and long skirts can hide your varicose and spider veins, but come summer you may wish you had another option. Well, you do. Getting rid of your leg veins has never been easier, and when gone, they’re gone for good.
Nov 19th, 2018

Boost Self Confidence with Body Sculpting in Fort Lauderdale

In this day and age, the cosmetics industry is booming. More and more people are starting to appreciate the body they live in, and are recognizing that their self-confidence matters. As a result, handfuls of people every day are investing in body...
Jun 21st, 2018

Summertime Calls for Laser Hair Removal in Fort Lauderdale

It’s summertime, and you’re ready to hit the beach, with confidence. You’ve worked incredibly hard to get the body you’ve always wanted. And you’re rocking that swimsuit. But are you really going to let body hairs ruin that picture?
Jun 11th, 2018

Men Too, Should Consider Laser Hair Removal in Fort Lauderdale

Just like women – men are spending much more time grooming themselves. “Manscaping” as it’s called, is growing more popular, especially during this time of year. We’re quickly approaching the season of exposure. So yes, my Man – you, too...
May 28th, 2018