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What is cellulite?

\Cellulite is a localized alteration in the contour of the skin that has been reported in approximately 90% of adult women of all races and ethnicities.

What causes cellulite?

Over time, three completely normal things can happen. Fat cells get larger, skin gets thinner and a little looser and the fibrous bands under the skin’s surface get thicker, leading to a dimpled appearance.

Who gets cellulite?

Women are more likely to have cellulite than men,3 and it affects women of all shapes, sizes, ages and races.

Why aren't men prone to developing cellulite?

Men have thicker skin than women do, and their collagen bands are oriented in a crisscross fashion, essentially eliminating the ability of the fat lobules to bulge through. If a man is given estrogen hormones (as in some cancer treatments), they can develop cellulite if there is enough fat.

Are fat and cellulite the same?

Fat is not cellulite and does not cause it, but fat cells getting bigger between fibrous bands under the skin can contribute to a bumpy appearance.

Can weight loss help get rid of cellulite?

Weight loss might reduce the appearance of cellulite but won’t get rid of it since it doesn’t address the fibrous bands under the skin’s surface.

In some cases, weight loss can actually make cellulite look worse because of resulting skin laxity.

Do topical treatments help decrease the appearance of cellulite?

Topical treatments such as lotions, creams and scrubs have been used to temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite.

What body parts are most prone to cellulite?

In an online Harris Poll survey of 2,006 women with cellulite, respondents said their cellulite was most commonly present in certain areas: 81% thighs, 66% butt, 42% stomach, 33% hips, 24% arms, 11% calves. Although cellulite can develop in various areas of the body, it mainly affects women and the predominant localization is on thighs and buttocks. This is because women tend to have more fatty deposits in these areas.

How does age impact the appearance of cellulite?

Skin laxity happens as you age and can impact the appearance of cellulite.

Why does treating cellulite matter?

Cellulite isn’t just a superficial problem—it’s actually quite deep. According to a recent Harris Poll online survey of 2,006 women, nearly half said they are bothered “a great deal” or “a lot” by their cellulite.

For your Cellulite treatment consultation, our physicians at Z-ROC Dermatology will gladly discuss which treatment options would be best suited to fit your needs.


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Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306
Phone: 954-564-0040
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