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4 Reasons Why We Love Chemical Peels

4 Reasons Why We Love Chemical Peels

A chemical peel may not have the sexiest name in the world, but don’t let the simple name fool you — this procedure can accomplish a good deal when it comes to aging and exposed skin.

In 2022, more than 3.3 million skin resurfacing procedures, including chemical peels, were performed, making them one of the top 3 minimally invasive cosmetic procedures in the United States.

As dermatologists, Dr. Khongruk Wongkittiroch and Dr. Matthew Zarraga appreciate all that resurfacing procedures like chemical peels can accomplish, which is why we offer them here at Z-ROC Dermatology as part of our cosmetic dermatology services.

Below, we review a few of the reasons we — and our clients — love chemical peels.

1. Chemical peels are customizable

We know each client’s needs differ, so we love that chemical peels are entirely customizable. In general, we offer three types of chemical peels:

Think of resurfacing techniques like chemical peels like repaving a road. If the damage to the old road isn’t great, the topmost layer is removed, and a new layer of asphalt is laid down. For a complete overhaul, the entire road is removed to make room for entirely new pavement.

This concept also applies to the different degrees of chemical peels—a light one skims the surface, while the medium and deep peels penetrate the skin for more dramatic and longer-lasting results.

2. Chemical peels can tackle a wide range of concerns

As you might imagine, when we resurface your skin with a chemical peel, we can tackle a host of blemishes and concerns, depending on how deep we go. To give you an idea, here are some common issues that we routinely target with chemical peels, including:

We can even deploy chemical peels to combat acne.

3. Chemical peels are great for all skin types

Some skin treatments work only for certain skin types, but we can generally use chemical peels for all skin types and colors.

4. Chemical peels are safe

The chemical peel approach to skin resurfacing has existed since long before laser technologies burst onto the cosmetic scene, so we have a lot of experience to draw on. As a result, chemical peels are considered quite safe, especially in the hands of experienced dermatology experts such as the team here at Z-ROC.

We could go on about the many benefits of chemical peels, but it’s time to see for yourself how this skin resurfacing technique can revitalize the skin you’re in. To schedule your chemical peel, simply contact our Fort Lauderdale, Florida, office to schedule an appointment.

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