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5 Popular Uses for Botox® Injections

5 Popular Uses for Botox® Injections

It would be no exaggeration to say that since it burst onto the cosmetic scene more than two decades ago, Botox® has changed how we address aging. Since its introduction, Botox and its counterparts have held the top position for minimally invasive cosmetic procedures in the United States.

As dermatologists, Dr. Khongruk WongkittirochDr. Matthew Zarraga, and the rest of the team here at Z-Roc Dermatology have long understood the power of Botox as an anti-aging tool, and we’ve been using the treatment to battle wrinkles since the beginning.

Here’s a look at five ways Botox can help with your cosmetic concerns.

1. Laughing at crow’s feet

Little crinkles at the outer edges of your eyes can be endearing, but over time, these crinkles can grow into long, deep lines called crow’s feet.

One of the most popular uses of Botox is to quiet the muscles that form these dynamic wrinkles. Botox's active ingredient is onabotulinumtoxinA, a neurotoxin that temporarily paralyzes muscle activity.

When we inject Botox into your crow’s feet, we put the focus back on your eyes and not on the deep lines surrounding them.

2. Don’t worry, be happy

That vertical line between your eyebrows can be handy when you want to look angry or concerned, but over time, that line can take up permanent residence. With Botox, we can do away with that permanently angry or worried look by relaxing your frown lines.

3. Smoothing your forehead

Another place where wrinkles can prematurely age you is in the deep forehead lines that are hard to hide. With Botox, we relax those deep horizontal lines that stripe your forehead, leaving behind a smoother surface that harkens back to when you were younger.

4. Something to smile about

Dermal fillers aren’t the only cosmetic injectables that can give you fuller lips. With a lip flip, we inject Botox into strategic muscles to release your upper lip, making your mouth appear fuller and plumper without adding any volume.

As well, if your top lip disappears when you smile, giving you a more gummy smile, we can use this same technique to relax your upper lip. After a few Botox injections, your top lip will roll up instead of under, creating a full-lipped smile that better covers your gums.

5. Drying up

If you have hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating, Botox may help things to dry up a little. People with hyperhidrosis often complain of excessively sweaty hands or armpits, which can be embarrassing, but Botox can help. For example, one Botox treatment can reduce underarm moisture by 82% to 87% for 3-12 months.

As you can see, Botox can play an incredibly valuable role in your cosmetic goals, not to mention all the good it’s doing in other medical categories, such as addressing overactive bladder.

If any of the uses of Botox we describe above sound like something you’d like to address, we invite you to come see us. We have years of experience with Botox and know how to expertly administer the injections for optimal effect.

To get started, please contact our office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to set up an appointment.

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