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At-Home Tips on How to Keep Your Eczema Triggers at Bay

Eczema is a common inflammatory skin condition that affects 31.6 million Americans. People with eczema suffer from skin symptoms that not only cause discomfort but can also look unsightly, especially during an unwelcome flare-up.

Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema weakens the protective skin barrier that helps the skin retain moisture. The resulting vulnerability creates an unpleasant roller coaster of symptoms that may improve for a time but then worsen unpredictably.

The expert provider team at Z-ROC Dermatology has extensive experience diagnosing eczema in children and adults and offers effective treatment with a caring touch. We listen, take your symptoms seriously, and create a customized treatment plan for your unique needs. 

Eczema’s effects are physical and emotional

Living with eczema has physical and emotional effects. Physical symptoms include:


Eczema often appears on babies’ cheeks, knees, and elbows, while in teens and adults, it usually emerges on the hands and wrists, feet and ankles, elbows, the backs of the knees, neck, and shoulders. It’s also common on the scalp.

Unfortunately, red, patchy, itchy, and oozing or bleeding skin looks angry and is also embarrassing for many, especially if their eczema is on commonly exposed skin. 

Eczema sufferers deal regularly with flare-ups when symptoms get worse with itchiness, pain, and other problems, but they experience emotional fallout, too. 

As compared with 7.6% of the overall population diagnosed with depression and anxiety, a whopping 30+% of people with eczema are diagnosed. These conditions can become debilitating, affecting your energy, ability to focus, sleep, and appetite.

How can I prevent eczema flare-ups?

In addition to offering effective eczema treatments, your Z-ROC Dermatology provider can advise you on what you can do yourself to prevent challenging symptoms from arising.

1. Tame stress

Stress and eczema flares are strongly linked, and doing all you can to address your stress can help head off symptoms. 

You can reduce stress by getting plenty of high-quality sleep, eating nutrient-dense whole foods, getting enough exercise, and adopting a mindfulness practice like meditation. 

It’s also helpful to strive for a good work/life balance, spend time doing the things you love, and make memories with your favorite people.

2. Look out for the elements

Extreme temperatures, bitter winds, and harsh sun can exacerbate your eczema, so protect yourself. Limit your hours in the sun, always wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen, and dress appropriately for cold and windy weather.

You should also protect your skin inside. Artificial heat is drying and makes you more vulnerable to an eczema flare-up, so use a humidifier in your home during winter. 

3. Dietary awareness

Eczema flare-ups are linked to inflammatory foods, such as refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and pasta, and refined sugars, which are mainstays in store-bought baked goods and sodas. 

Saying farewell to these foods can lower your chances of eczema problems.

4. Go for natural skin products

As with food, the more natural a skin product is, the better it is for your skin if you live with eczema. Gentle cleansers and moisturizers that protect your skin barrier are best, as opposed to ones containing dyes and artificial scents.

The same is true for products that you may not use on your skin but that somehow come into contact with it, like laundry detergents. 

Wear gentle-on-the-skin, breathable fabrics, like cotton or silk, and avoid potentially irritating wool and polyester.

You can talk to your Z-ROC Dermatology provider about our excellent line of gentle skin care products and which would be best for you. 

4. We advised you to exercise, but what about sweat?

Unfortunately, perspiration can trigger eczema, but that doesn’t mean you have to forsake your workout. If you exercise outside, do so at a cooler time of day, and if you exercise inside, ensure the room is well-ventilated by air conditioning or a good fan.

The Z-ROC team complements your at-home strategies with effective eczema treatments. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, we may recommend soothing emollient moisturizers, topical corticosteroid or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory creams, oral biologic medications, and light therapy.

You can get true, lasting relief from your eczema symptoms by partnering with us.

Call or text our office at 954-564-0040 to set up an appointment so you can feel and look better ASAP, or use our online booking tool.

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