Bye Bye Spider Veins, I’m Getting Sclerotherapy

Here in Florida, shorts weather and bathing suit season last all year — but you might not be as enthusiastic about donning those items if you have spider veins — broken blood vessels just under your skin that appear blue, red, or purple.
Don’t worry — Z-ROC Dermatology offers a noninvasive, painless treatment called sclerotherapy to remove them. It’s a proven, safe treatment that our experienced team recommends to many. As with all our treatments, our aim with sclerotherapy is to provide you with a customized solution so your skin can look its best and you can feel confident.
Why do spider veins develop?
These pesky telangiectasias (the medical term for spider veins) emerge seemingly out of nowhere and tend to appear in clusters that look like spider webs. They occur most often on your legs and, unfortunately, your face, which clothing can’t hide. Needless to say, spider veins can cramp your style in a big way.
You’re at higher risk of developing spider reigns if:
- Your BMI (body mass index) is 30 or over
- You tend to stand or sit for long periods, for work, for example
- You’re female
- You’re pregnant
- You’re a smoker or have smoked in the past
- Others in your family have spider veins
- You’re female and use hormonal birth control or hormone treatment during menopause
- You’re a sun worshipper
Specific genetic changes, hormonal shifts, and trauma can also lead to the development of spider veins, as can living with a connective tissue disease like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.
Though spider veins cause no discomfort in some, others experience pain, burning, itching, and cramping. Your legs might also feel tired because of the spider veins.
An effective spider vein treatment: Sclerotherapy
Getting treated for spider veins is simple, quick, and comfortable at Z-ROC Dermatology.
When you come for your sclerotherapy procedure, we inject a precisely measured irritant or sclerosing agent solution directly into the spider vein with a very fine needle. The number of veins you need to have treated determines the length of your appointment.
On average, patients need three or four treatment sessions, but over 85% of veins clear completely or markedly improve.
Some post-procedure pain may occur but resolves quickly, and it’s also normal for treated veins to turn darker right after treatment. After a few weeks, this discoloration disappears.
Get treatment for those unsightly spider veins. Call us in Fort Lauderdale to schedule an appointment at 954-564-0040 or book online.
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