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How Does Botox Help With Hyperhidrosis?

Working up a good sweat through exercise is great for us, but what if you sweat excessively when you’re not engaged in anything challenging?

If you’re embarrassed by seemingly out-of-control perspiration, you might be living with hyperhidrosis, a condition that causes you to sweat far too much. 

People coping with hyperhidrosis are more likely to experience social isolation and a lowered quality of life because of sweating since unwanted wetness and odor are hard to hide.

For instance, shaking hands in a social situation, having dinner with coworkers, or enjoying a movie with friends can all become worrisome if your body’s “sweat spigot” flows uncontrollably.

Amazingly, Botox®, the injectable treatment that has been used to treat signs of aging for over two decades, is also successful at managing hyperhidrosis. 

The extraordinary team at Z-ROC Dermatology is always on the lookout for the best treatments, and Botox for hyperhidrosis certainly fits the bill as a safe, proven treatment for regulating perspiration. 

Hyperhidrosis at a glance

Many people have never heard of hyperhidrosis, but if you live with it, you’ve likely worried about how to limit and control the sweating that occurs when you least want or expect it. 

Don’t think you’re alone either — about 15.8 million Americans deal with the challenges of hyperhidrosis. 

When you’re affected by hyperhidrosis, the sympathetic nerve — which controls sweating — is overly sensitive and makes you produce unwanted surplus sweat. Your body must sweat to regulate its temperature, but unfortunately, a dysregulated sympathetic nerve can throw any semblance of normal sweating out the window.

There are two types of hyperhidrosis: primary and secondary. Primary hyperhidrosis is inherited and typically starts in childhood. It intensifies during adolescence, especially for women.

Secondary hyperhidrosis is linked to diverse conditions and life transitions, including diabetes, gout, neurological syndromes, infections, and menopause. Certain medications can also cause excessive sweating.

Hyperhidrosis causes sweating in specific places, such as the hands, underarms, face, and trunk. It can also cause your face to become very flushed.

We mentioned earlier that hyperhidrosis can cause people to avoid social situations, and this can lead to anxiety and depression about the condition. After all, if your daily routines are disrupted at this level by excessive sweating, your physical and emotional well-being are bound to be compromised.

Botox: A highly successful treatment for hyperhidrosis

In addition to Botox’s cosmetic advantages, we’re happy to offer this treatment to our patients struggling with hyperhidrosis. 

When you come to Z-ROC Dermatology for hyperhidrosis Botox treatment, we do all we can to make you comfortable during your treatment time. Treatment offers patients a host of benefits:

Since Botox can block the chemical that gives the go-ahead to your body’s sweat glands, it can treat your trouble spots successfully — underarms, hands and feet, and your face and head. 

Research shows that when Botox is injected into the underarm area, problem sweating decreases by 82-87%.

Sadly, patients with hyperhidrosis tend not to seek medical treatment, but with Botox treatment available, you should never hesitate.

Seeing your Z-ROC dermatologist for hyperhidrosis treatment with Botox can transform your mood and your life. Without the worry and embarrassment of uncontrolled perspiration, you can say “Yes” to life again, enjoy time with friends and family, and make stress about uncomfortable sweating a thing of the past.

Contact our Fort Lauderdale office to make an appointment and learn more by calling or texting us at 954-564-0040.

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