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What to Expect Before, During, and After Mohs Surgery

What to Expect Before, During, and After Mohs Surgery

We’re kicking this blog off with two statistics: 

If you’ve joined the millions of people who have skin cancer in this country, you want the best solution possible, and that’s Mohs surgery.

At Z-Roc Dermatology, our team includes Dr. Khongruk Wongkittiroch, a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist and Mohs Surgery specialist. Dr. Wongkittiroch has undergone extensive training to perform Mohs surgery and is a fellow member of the American Society of Mohs Surgery, which means you’re in very good hands.

If you’re considering Mohs surgery for your non-melanoma skin cancer, here’s how you prepare for the procedure, what happens during your Mohs surgery, and what your recovery might look like.

Preparing for your Mohs surgery

We perform Mohs surgery here in our offices on an outpatient basis, so you don’t need to prepare for an overnight anywhere.

Before your Mohs surgery, we discuss any medications you’re on that might affect the procedure, such as blood thinners or over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, and we might temporarily suspend them. Rest assured, we review this case-by-case and give you clear instructions beforehand.

To prepare for your surgery, we suggest you shower and wear comfortable, loose clothes. We also ask that you avoid putting any lotions on your skin beforehand.

During your Mohs surgery

Mohs surgery is so successful because it methodically eradicates all cancerous cells. During your Mohs procedure, Dr. Wongkittiroch meticulously removes the cells, layer by layer, checking each layer under a microscope for cancerous cells as she goes. Dr. Wongkittiroch stops once the tissues show no more signs of cancerous cells.

Not only is Mohs more accurate, but it also creates far less collateral tissue damage than traditional skin cancer procedures in which the entire area is excised, along with large margins. With Mohs, Dr. Wongkittiroch only removes the tissues necessary to eliminate the cancer.

As a result, your Mohs surgery can be a fairly long process, so be prepared to spend a few hours, or more, with us. In other words, don’t make plans for the day of your Mohs surgery.

After your Mohs surgery

Once we’re finished, you’re free to go home, and we provide you with comprehensive aftercare instructions for the surgical site. You should take it easy for the rest of the day and maybe the day after.

As your surgical site heals, it’s very important that you shield it from the sun, keeping it covered and protected as best you can. You should also keep the area clean and disinfected.

Rest assured, we're just a phone call away, and we will also have you come back for a follow-up visit so we can check to make sure everything is healing well.

If you have more questions about Mohs surgery, please contact our office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to schedule a consultation.

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