Which Leg Vein Treatment is Right For You?

Spider and varicose veins can be extremely frustrating conditions to deal with — once they develop, they don’t go away on their own. But thanks to exciting laser technology and sclerotherapy, you’re not sentenced to a lifetime of mottled skin.
At Z-Roc Dermatology, Drs. Matthew Zarraga and Khongruk Wongkittiroch lead a team of specialists who not only have extensive skin care experience, but also the very latest tools to keep your skin in the best condition possible. As part of our advanced skin care services, we offer the treatments you need to clear away unsightly leg veins.
Here’s a look at how we can free your legs of spider and varicose veins, once and for all.
A veiny web in the making
Before we get into how we can eliminate spider and varicose veins, let’s take a quick look at how these unwelcome webs develop on your legs in the first place.
The veins in your legs are equipped with tiny, one-way valves that shut off once blood passes through to prevent your blood from spilling backward. When these valves weaken, your blood succumbs to gravity and begins to pool, especially in areas that are farthest from your heart — namely your legs.
As your blood pools, tiny blood vessels can enlarge and rise to the surface, which is what creates the web of visible veins. Spider veins typically form spindly lines just below the surface of your skin, while varicose veins make far more visible bulges.
It’s important to note that spider veins are rarely a medical concern and generally don’t cause you pain or discomfort. Varicose veins are also largely symptom-free, but some people do have problems with achy or itchy varicose veins.
De-cobwebbing your legs of spider veins
If you’d like to restore the blemish-free skin on your legs, the good news is that we offer the innovative Icon™ laser technology by Cynosure®, which can make quick work of your spider veins.
With Icon, we deliver intense pulsed light into your veins, which breaks up the vessels, leaving your body to reabsorb the debris. Rest assured, if the veins were active, your blood reroutes itself through healthier blood vessels deeper in your tissue.
Depending upon the number of veins you want to target, you may need 1-4 Icon treatments. The treatments themselves are fairly quick — usually about 30 minutes — and you’re free to get on with your day afterward.
When it comes to results, you’ll be delighted to know that most of our patients are able to show off their blemish-free legs inside of a week. In fact, some patients report near-immediate results.
Tackling varicose veins
If varicose veins have developed in your legs, we turn to a different technique called sclerotherapy, in which we inject a solution that shuts down the vein. Here again, your blood reroutes itself to healthier vessels.
As for the number of treatments, this depends upon the extent of your varicose veins. If it’s just one problematic vein, you may only need one treatment. If there are more, we may need to see you several times to fully clear up the problem.
It typically takes a few weeks for your body to process the destroyed vein(s) and reroute the blood. Once that’s accomplished, your legs will be restored to a smooth, even tone again.
To clear your legs of pesky spider and varicose veins, contact our office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to set up an appointment.
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