Who Can Benefit from a Chemical Peel?

Over the years, your skin has done a fantastic job protecting you from the world, but the toll can be great. Age spots, wrinkles, uneven texture, and a duller complexion all converge to give your face an older, more weathered look that may be very unwelcome. To give your skin a fresh start, a chemical peel is just the ticket.
At Z-Roc Dermatology, Drs. Khongruk Wongkittiroch and Matthew Zarraga, along with our experienced staff of aesthetic specialists, offer chemical peels of varying strengths that tackle a wide range of skin concerns.
If you’re wondering whether you can benefit from a chemical peel, read on to explore our three chemical peel treatments and why they’re so effective in helping our clients maintain fresh, vibrant skin.
Understanding chemical peels
Before we review our chemical peels, we want to outline these treatments more broadly. As the name suggests, we use an acidic compound that strips away old, tired skin cells to allow new ones to grow in their place.
There are generally three types of chemical peels, including:
- Light or superficial peels that only tackle the outermost layer of your skin (epidermis)
- Medium peels that tackle your epidermis and the topmost layer of your dermis below
- Deep peels that get down into your dermis
Most of our patients use light or superficial peels as part of their regular beauty regimens, occasionally mixing in a medium-depth peel for more dramatic results.
We consider a deep peel to be a once-in-a-lifetime treatment as it strips away a considerable amount of skin to pave the way for new growth. There’s also a bit of downtime with this type of peel as your skin rebuilds.
A look at our chemical peels
At our practice, we offer three excellent chemical peel options, including:
1. Jessner peel
This treatment can be used as a light- or medium-depth peel. The active ingredients in a Jessner peel are lactic acid, salicylic acid, and resorcinol, all of which work together to tackle:
- Areas of hyperpigmentation
- Melasma
- Acne scarring
- Uneven skin tone
- Fine lines and wrinkles
If we perform a medium-depth Jessner peel, you can expect some swelling and redness for the first 24 hours, at which point the outer layer of your skin should begin to peel away. In a week or two, fresh new skin should reveal itself.
2. TCA peel
TCA stands for trichloroacetic acid, which we can use to provide you with a medium-depth or deep peel. A TCA peel is a great solution for a number of different skin issues, including:
- Blemishes, including age and sun spots, as well as melasma
- Wrinkles
- Uneven skin tone
- Acne scars
Depending on the depth of your TCA peel, your recovery time can range from a week or two to a month or more if we perform a deep peel. Your patience, however, is greatly rewarded as newer and healthier skin cells form a more vibrant and even surface.
3. VI peels
From the Vitality Institute comes six different VI peels designed to lift pigment, remove sun damage, alleviate acne and scarring, and fight fine lines and wrinkles.
Each of these peels are medium-depth and safe for most skin types. Since there are six different VI peels to choose from, we can tailor your peel to your unique concerns.
As you can see, it’s likely that we have a chemical peel that can help you reach your goals. The best way to find out which peel is right for you is to sit down with one of our experts so that we can evaluate your skin and discuss your objectives. To get started, simply contact our office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to set up a consultation.
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